Quality Standards
We aim to increase the patient and employee safety and satisfaction by ensuring the implementation of the quality management system (QMS) within the organization and to provide services to our patients in accordance with the Healthcare Quality Dialysis Standards and international standards by making the continuous quality development acorporate culture.
Quality Management System
Gölcük At Gölcük Dialysis Centers, the quality activities are managed by the “Quality Management Unit” with the help of the management and clinical quality responsible, and in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s Healthcare Quality Standards – Dialysis. A clinical quality responsible is assigned for each clinic with the Quality Management Director for sections determined according to the Healthcare Quality Standards. These sections are as follows:
- Corporate Services
– Organizational Structure
– Quality Management
– Document Management
– Risk Management
– Adverse Event Reporting System
– Emergency and Disaster Management
– Education Management
– Social Responsibility
2. Patient and Employee-Focused Services
– Patient Experience
– Healthy Worklife - 3. Health Services
– Patient Care
– Medication Management
– Prevention of Infectionsnmesi
– Laboratory Services
4. Support Services
– Facility Management
– Hospitality Services
– Material and Device Management
– Medical Record and Archive Services
– Waste Management
– Use of External Sources
5. Indicator Management
– Monitoring of Indicators
– Quality Indicators
Quality Meetings
The quality meetings are being held periodically within the year with the attendance of Clinical Quality Responsible, Quality Management Director, Clinical Director, and Financial Affairs Responsible.
Adverse Event Reporting System
In Golcuk Dialysis Centers, an Adverse Event Reporting System has been implemented to;
– Ensure the reporting of life-threatening incidents that occurred or were avoided when they were about to happen (near miss)
– Monitor these events
– Provide that the necessary measures are taken as a result of these events.
Physical Field Audits
In our organization,regular facility tours are performed in order to establish physical conditions and technical infrastructure that are continuous, safe and easy to access for the patients, family, and employees.
Considering the size of the dialysis centers,the team established by the Gölcük Dialysis management has been identified to ensure the work efficacy, continuity, and systematicity in the center. During the facility tours, problems regarding the physical conditions and operations in our dialysis centers are determined and necessary improvements are implemented.
Self-Assessment Process
Self-Assessment (internal audit) is performed once a year in our dialysis centers within the framework of Healthcare Quality Standards (HQS-Dialysis).
– The Self-Assessment team consists of Clinic Director, Human Resources Responsible, Financial and Administrative Affairs Manager, Patient Services Responsible, Quality Management Director and Assistant and Clinical Quality Representative.
– TheSelf-Assessment (internal audit) is performed once a year.
– TheSelf-Assessment (internal audit) is prepared to include all sections within the Healthcare Quality Standards-Dialysis.
– Prior to the Self-Assessment (internal audit), all dialysis centers are informed via email about the audit scheduling and plan.
Note: The Healthcare Quality Standards-Dialysis Set prepared by the Healthcare Quality and Accreditation Department was used while preparing the above text.